Saturday, October 29, 2011

This Evening On The Randi Rhodes Show « KPTK-AM

This Evening On The Randi Rhodes Show « KPTK-AM

You all may not know this, but Randi Rhodes is my favorite liberal talk show host. She was on the Joy Behar show today talking about the bizarre incident of Justice Clarence Thomas# wife Virginia Thomas (a former Chamber of Commerce ...

Outside of a Senatorial debate in Kentucky, supporters of Rand Paul threw a woman from to the ground and stomped on her head (video below). What happened? Did she refuse to bow down to Aqua Buddha? The Rand Paul followers ...

Randi⠙s out this evening, she is in NYC to appear on tonight⠙s Joy Behar Show. But fear not, our good friend Nicole Sandler out Miami will guest host ⠓ Randi will be back live tomorrow (Thu). Nicole⠙s Show Blog Randi⠙s ...

Last nightâ ™s debate in the race for Governor of New York featured seven very colorful participants. You know itâ ™sa wild mix of candidates when nothing that Carl Paladino said stood out as exceptionally crazy. One of the candidates ...

The man who stomped on the head of a woman outside of a Kentucky Senate debate has been identified as a Rand Paul campaign coordinator. How did they ID him⠔through the footprints left on his victim⠙s neck and head?

Maybe (Widescreen)
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